Classroom Refurbishment

Ambler Primary School

This project involved the conversion of an existing 2nd floor hall area into 2no new classrooms with an access corridor and emergency escape corridor.

The Architect for the Project was keen to retain the existing high internal ceiling heights with 2no large glazed screens which enabled natural light to reach the internal corridors from the perimeter windows of the building.

To the internal walls of the classrooms, there was a timber slat design which comprised a series of polished oak slats equally spaced which designed to create a design feature whilst remaining in keeping with the oak doors and large glazed panels.

A summary of the works carried out:

  • Partitioning to create new classrooms
  • Timber cladding to perimeter walls with pinboards installed above
  • Installation of new Oak doors and vision screens
  • New electrical and lighting installations to suit new layouts
  • Refurbishment of existing parquet flooring
  • New carpet floor coverings
  • Redecorations